An Unlikely Place by GA Lanham

Title: An Unlikely Place
Author: GA Lanham
Publisher: Strategic Book Group
Published: February 27th, 2011
Pages: 300

Story Synopsis: In a galaxy where human life is dear and youth is valued over age, Tamryn finds herself alone, an exile on a dying world. She mourns her lost husband and child, and watches her fellow exiles rail uselessly against those who cast them away. But when Tal-Malye, an Oshairan/Ekoshen half breed, wanders across her path, she senses a change to her future. When his Oshairan sister gives the human exiles hope, Tamryn begins to believe in life again.

Tamryn is drawn to Tal, attracted to his beauty and the strangeness of his nature. But she does not believe he returns her desire. She cannot shake her yearning for him, and when passion unexpectedly flares, they have no choice but to complete an Oshairan/Ekoshen marriage rite. While Tamryn struggles with her decision, knowing Tal will never love her, she discovers passion with an alien is far more dangerous than she ever imagined …

Join Tamryn as she journeys into the unknown, facing the violence of dangerous fanatics and the power of Ekoshen desire. Experience the wonder of voyaging across lands both bleak and beautiful, as Tamryn explores the depths of what it means to belong to Tal and finds love in An Unlikely Place … his heart.

An Unlikely Place is going on my TOP shelf!

My Thoughts: In the future, existence is painfully bleak… almost mindless… A catastrophic illness has wiped out most of the human race, leaving earth as a volatile, inhospitable place unlivable for those that have managed to survive.

Tamryn, a human woman and lost soul, struggles through hopelessness and depression as she mourns the overwhelming loss of her husband and daughter. She is an exile now, one that was saved by an alien race and placed in a settlement that demanded hard work in exchange for the continuation of her life. Tamryn stumbles across the path of an Oshairan/Ekoshen half-breed alien, named Tal-Malye, and life as she knows it will never be the same again. The gorgeous, mysterious Tal immediately captures Tamryn’s complete attention and evokes an extremely passionate response that puts the two characters in an unexpected, yet eventually desired predicament, irreversibly bonding them together forever. We follow Tamryn and Tal on an emotionally charged journey where they must face their fate and their own differences as they combat ruthless, unfair and terrifying external forces throughout the story while falling desperately in love with one another.

I must admit I was a bit leery when I first began this book. The story contains certain elements that do not normally appeal to me…. such as aliens, and futuristic plots and scenarios… but I have to say that Ms. Lanham did a brilliant job mixing a handful of genres together so beautifully and really knows how to bring about and draw out a wide range of emotions from a reader. This story has it all; Dark fantasy/Sci-Fi infused with a whirlwind adventure, topped off with a gripping, otherworldly romance that will quite literally knock your socks off. The chemistry between Tamryn and Tal is explosive. An Unlikely Place is extremely well-written with perfectly chosen words, a creative plot and vivid descriptions that will keep readers clinging to each page.

And let me just say… Tal is HOT, HOT, HOT!! Man o’ man, what an alien! A definite must read and I really look forward to reading more from this author!


  1. Great review Amy! Another book to add to the never-ending to read list!!

  2. Looking forward to reading this one :))

  3. oooh, this genre doesn’t always speak to me either, but this one looks good!

  4. Amy,

    Thank you so much for the wonderful review. I’m so glad you enjoyed the book, and I want to thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to write this review. I have to say that I really enjoyed writing the book, and a sequel will be coming. I’ve had several requests from others who have read the book who want to know what happens next.

    In celebration of my first official review, I have put the e-book version of An Unlikely Place on sale, half off!, on The coupon code is LN75B. Just to say thankyou to all my readers and to the Book Hookup for your support.

    Thanks all!

    GA Lanham

    • GA – I was delighted and grateful for the opportunity to review your book. Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us and I’ll (we’ll) be eagerly awaiting the sequel to An Unlikely Place! Cannot wait!!

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