Book to Film Friday: Zsadist (The Black Dagger Brotherhood)

Book to Film Friday

Character: Zsadist
Author: JR Ward
Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood

So today we’d like to share with you the guy we’d select to portray the intense, dark, angry, gorgeous character of Zsadist if the book was adapted into film.

Ward’s description of Zsadist:

As I think about him, I picture his face and the scar that intersects it. I see his glossy all-black eyes. His skull trimmed hair. His pierced nipples. The tattooed blood slave bands around his throat and wrists… I can almost feel the anger and the erotic threat he throws off… God, it’s as if he’s known hell on earth and carries the place around with him.

We’d love to know… Who’s your Z? Ready.. Set.. Fantasize GO!


Amy: Wentworth Miller. That.Is.All. No really. Close your eyes and picture Zsadist in your mind… I’ll wait… *stares at Wentworth* Yeah, it’s him, right? <—– Holy Z!!






Celeste: Fredrik Ljungberg. WOWZA. I don’t even know where to begin. Just add a few tatts and piercings and think about needing and hello Zsadist!


Ana: is away on vacay but when we asked if she had a choice for Z her response was almost immediate! She eagerly chose Wentworth Miller from Prison Break.


Jag: *stares up* YES YES YES.  This was really really hard for me. Zsadist is my favourite Brother, I’m a sucker for the affected bad boy.  I really never had anyone specific in mind while reading the books.  Z was almost too special to me to just pick one man to represent him…*cornball alert*  I love everyone’s choices and I’m going to throw Brad Pitt into the mix.  I think he gives good crazy :))


Athena (our guest poster of the week!): When I think Zsadist, one face comes to mind. That face belongs to Wentworth Miller. He is intense, brooding and gorgeous. Zsadist can be like two completely different people. He is a fearsome force of angry nature with an “I don’t give a s**t” attitude and he is sweet, loving, thoughtful and even innocent when he is with Bella. Zsadist makes you cringe from him in terror but he also makes you want to hold him in your arms and rock him.


  1. Eeep! My favorite Brother as well. I’m a sucker for a bad boy myself. Wentworth & Brad..combined. Perfection. I have some awesome photos saved too! Nothing like a good vamp porn stash:-)

  2. Thank you for posting my choice ladies….mmmmmmm…..Wentworth Miller has been my Z from the start, Glad to see others agree, 🙂

  3. Huh, I never pictured Wentworth (I’ve never seen Prison Break though, that might be the reason..) but YES, good choice!!


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