The Best Books of 2011 and win our e-giveaway bundle!

2011 has been a very good year…for readers, that is! There have been so many great books to enjoy and new authors to discover…so many exciting and wonderful worlds to immerse ourselves in and discuss endlessly…so many characters to fall in love with.

Here are our favorites of 2011
(although it was torture to limit ourselves to just one!!)
Tell us your favorite book of 2011…we’re curious…
can you limit it to just one?!

Not only are we sharing our favorites with you….
but we’re giving them away too!
just fill out the form  at the end of this post and you could win this bundle of e-copies for your kindle! (the contest is 18+ and open internationally)

Tempus - CoverAna:  I’ve read lots of books this year (understatement)!  So many of them have made me laugh or cry or think about my own life and relationships.  Very often it’s difficult for me to describe exactly why a book touches me because it’s just a feeling deep inside.  It’s somehow knowing that I would have missed something important if I hadn’t read that story!

This is why I selected Tempus by Tyra Lynn as my favorite book of 2011! This book touched me with it’s slow burning love story, it’s underlying theme of how the hand of fate touches our lives every day and it’s unyielding belief that soul mates exists and are worth every pain you experience to get to them!

If you haven’t read it yet you are definitely missing something special!

Celeste: I too have read so many books this year and it was so hard to decide. I was down to two, and Ana just made it so easy for me by picking Tempus, since my other choice is Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. I LOVED this book. Yes, flashing, neon, sparkling sign LOVED. It was a story about angels but so different than your usual angels book. Laini Taylor has a way of writing that transports you to another place. I fell in love with Karou and Akiva and cannot wait for the next installment.

Jag: I’d like to say this was really hard for me, but it wasn’t…not at all. My hands down favourite book of 2011 was Divergent by the awesomely talented Veronica Roth.  This page turner was thought provoking (which faction would I be in), action packed and featured a strong, intelligent female protagonist.  Plus there was the added bonus of the multi-layered swoony boy Four.  If you haven’t read this yet you are missing out on an amazing journey.  I can’t wait for the next book in this series, Insurgent!


  1. I’ll be reading ‘Daughter of Smoke and Bone’ next! I come to the site to get ideas on what to read next. I have read the other two favs posted above. Both were favorites of mine for 2011! Too hard to pick just one favorite for the year.

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